`allocs checks` commands for script check?

Hi, I’ve set up a Memcached job and a “script” type check in it.

I expect the nomad alloc checks ******* shows the results of the checks, but it is just null:

$ nomad alloc checks ca3d
Status of 0 Nomad Service Checks
$ nomad alloc checks -json ca3d

while job status shows it is healthy:

$ nomad job status memcached | grep Deployed -A 3
Task Group  Auto Revert  Desired  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy  Progress Deadline
memcached   true         1        1       1        0          2024-10-08T23:24:03Z

Is My expectation bad, or is alloc checks broken?

Hi. I would guess it is, because there are no Nomad services. The check is in consul. It is a consul service. See provider field in service {} block service Block - Job Specification | Nomad | HashiCorp Developer