Azure Backend Config


In order for my code in the orginal post to work, I did the following:

  1. Upgraded the version of terraform I was using from 0.12.10 to 0.12.21
  2. Upgraded the Azure CLI
  3. Remove terraform { backend “azurerm” {} } from
  4. Changed Backend.tfvars to
  5. Created a new App Registration in Azure AD
    • Azure Active Directory → App Registrations → New Registration
    • Create Client Secret for new App Registration
    • Add app registration to specific Azure Subscription under Access Control (IAM) - Add - Add Role Assignemnt
      • Added app registration as an Owner of that subscription
  6. Configured as follows:

terraform {

backend “azurerm” {

storage_account_name = “storageAccountName”
resource_group_name = “resourceGroupName”
container_name = “storage container”
key = “folder within storage container\nameOfFile.tfstate”
client_id = “id of app registration”
client_secret = “client secret of app registration”
subscription_id = “Azure subscription ID”
tenant_id = “Azure tenant ID”

  1. Within, configured the Azure provider as follows:

provider “azurerm” {

version = “=1.44.0”
subscription_id = “Azure subscription ID”
client_id = “id of app registration”
client_secret = “client secret of app registration”
tenant_id = “Azure tenant ID”

I have confirmed these changes work within numerous repos in our Azure Subscriptions