Deprecating projects (or how I learned to love apps)

I would like to second the comments in this thread about being able to run multiple variants of the same app/codebase.

Especially in a Ruby on Rails scenario, it’s quite common to have a few app types in Procfile. Maybe a web definition and one or multiple ones for several queues/Sidekiq/background job workers.

So either would be nice to have multiple app definitions or files within one directory and one Project/App in Waypoint as these would have the exact same set of Input Variables turned into ENV vars.

Could also be that in the app stanza we could somehow specify multiple “executors” with per executor also how many replications and resource constraints should be applied.

The last would allow a Heroku-style deployment where one waypoint up would fully deploy the whole app infrastructure in a rolling way with a new code version and/or new ENV var settings.