Failed to resolve Serf advertise address

I have a setup working great so far and so moving on to a new data center and creating a brand new cluster . I have tried and copied as much as I can from previous cluster in terms of config parameters etc …I never ran into this issue before and could use some help. When I start the Nomad servers I get the following errors

/usr/bin/nomad agent -config /etc/nomad.d
WARNING: keyring exists but -encrypt given, using keyring
==> Loaded configuration from /etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl
==> Starting Nomad agent...
==> Error starting agent: server config setup failed: Failed to resolve Serf advertise address ":4648": lookup <nil>: no such host
    2023-05-25T20:51:42.127-0400 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=raw_exec type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2023-05-25T20:51:42.127-0400 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=exec type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2023-05-25T20:51:42.127-0400 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=qemu type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2023-05-25T20:51:42.127-0400 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=java type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2023-05-25T20:51:42.127-0400 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=docker type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2023-05-25T20:51:42.127-0400 [ERROR] agent: error starting agent: error="server config setup failed: Failed to resolve Serf advertise address \":4648\": lookup <nil>: no such host"

Here is my nomad.hcl( redacted where necessary)

log_level = "INFO"
log_file  = "/data/nomad/logs"
data_dir  = "/data//nomad/"
 bind_addr      = ""
name = "hostnamexxx"
server {
enabled = true
bootstrap_expect = 3
encrypt = "xxxxxxx"
server_join {
retry_join     = [ "FQDN1", "FQDN2" ]
retry_max      = 3
retry_interval = "15s"
I have TLS and other stuff but assuming not necessary 

I also tried with putting a bind address in there instead of and also removing it but then it said the port is in use and couldn’t start something else . The same setup without the bind address works fine on my other cluster .