How to set the type of resource parameter to Int64 in custom provider

The API accepts Int64 parameter. When Int parameter is passed from provider, the plugin is getting crashed with interface {} is int, not int64.

Hi @akashgs :wave: Thank you for raising this. The situation mentioned here appears to be more of a Go programming language related question than Terraform Provider development specific one, but to answer your question Go supports type conversion between int (platform-specific 32 or 64 integers) and int64 types natively with the int64(int) syntax:

exampleInt := 123 // exampleInt is an int type
exampleInt64 := int64(exampleInt) // exampleInt64 is an int64 type

Refer to A Tour of Go for additional examples of numeric type conversions and you can change the Go playground window on the side to see these in action. Hope this helps.