How to use ignition provider's 'append' conditionally?

I’m using the ignition provider with Terraform v0.12

I have a data block that has the following;

data "ignition_config" "ign" {
  for_each = var.hostnames_ip_addresses

  append {
    source = var.ignition_file_url 

  systemd = [

  files = [

This works as expected, as long as var.ignition_file_url is not null, and contains a valid url string.

However, there are situations where I validly expect var.ignition_file_url to be null.
The problem is - right now, the ignition provider crashes Terraform if a null source is passed to append.

Soooo, I’d like to figure out how to conditionally use append.
For example, I’d like to test if var.ignition_file_url is not null, and then include the append.
Like this;

if (var.ignition_file_url != null) {
  append {
    source = var.ignition_file_url 

I know from earlier responses to similar questions here, that I must use a conditional expression, rather than an imperative “if”.

How do I do this with a conditional expression?

I figured out a way to achieve the desired result.
Perhaps there’s a better way. But this seems to work.
Use a “dynamic” block, like this;

data "ignition_config" "ign" {
  for_each = var.hostnames_ip_addresses

  dynamic "append" {
    # Include this block only if var.ignition_file_url is non-null.
    for_each = var.ignition_file_url[*]
    content {
        source = var.ignition_file_url 

  systemd = [

  files = [