In Terraform can we use child module outputs in root module locals?

Thank you @apparentlymart !

So I realized that while I was declaring the

data "newrelic_entity" "my_application" {
  name   = var.nr_entity_name
  type   = "APPLICATION"
  domain = "APM"

in both the root and the child module, the child module in fact didn’t referenced that newrelic_entity.my_application anywhere else in the child module, meaning it wasn’t apparently even needed for my needs and child module.

Therefore I removed that data declaration entirely from the child module, and left it in the parent module, and it works.

I guess it’s a unique situation where the data entity is used by my root module to get some data which is used by locals - not shown in entirety but somewhat in my original poast - and then those local values get passed to the child module via the the module { } block in the root module, which I didn’t share in my original post (sorry if that would have changed your response a bit):

module "newrelic_dashboard" {
     widgets       = local.dynamic_widgets

Thank you!