Mongo replica set example

Hi there.

I’m very new to Nomad, but planing to use it to orchestrate a few hundred containers. I red a lot of documentation, but still have a few things which I don’t quite get yet. One of those is how to manage multi CT services, like a MongoDB replicaset. We can’t simply set count = 3 at the group level as each Mongo instance is unique (different persistent volume for example, but also different bind port as I’m planing to use Consul service mesh between them).

I can’t set 3 tasks in the same group either, as this would run the 3 replicas on the same node.

Should I define in a single job 3 groups, each with a single task ? I can get this to work, but it looks like a lot of duplicated lines. Maybe dynamic blocks can help, but I still have to get my head around it :slight_smile:

Are there some best practices for this written somewhere ? Anyone has some sample jobspec for this kind of workload ?

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Hello @dbd! Yes you’re on the right track - to have 3 independent tasks they’ll need to each be in their own group.

Like you mentioned, some of the HCL2 features can help with de-duplication.

Additionally there are 2 tools that could help you out

  • Levant - a long standing job templating tool
  • Nomad Pack - An experimental “Helm”-like tool (but still in tech-preview)
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Thanks for your answer. I’ll take nomad-pack a look, but I was trying to avoid introducing more tooling for now (have to master Nomad/Consul/Vault already ^^)

Did you manage to start a mongodb replica set using nomad?

Here’s what I’ve made

locals {
  config = yamldecode(file("mongo.yml"))

job "mongo-rs" {

  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  # Répartition des tâches sur des hôtes différents
  constraint {
    operator  = "distinct_hosts"
    value     = "true"

  update {
    max_parallel = 1
    min_healthy_time = "20s"

  # Puisqu'on veut que nos tâches se répartissent sur plusieurs nodes Nomad
  # On défini un groupe par instance de MongoDB
  group "mongo-1" {

    volume "mongo1" {
      type            = "csi"
      source          = "mongo1"
      access_mode     = "single-node-writer"
      attachment_mode = "file-system"
    # Le service mesh de consul nécessite le mode bridge
    # Note : on ne map pas de port, toutes les communications passeront par le service mesh
    network {
      mode = "bridge"

    # On défini un server mongo-master qui pointe sur le serveur primaire actuel. Ça permet aux clients de ne plus s'en soucier
    # et de parler au cluster comme si c'était un simple serveur. Consul se chargera de les router vers le bon serveur
    service {
      name = "mongo-master"
      port = local.config.mongo.1.port
      connect {
        sidecar_service {}
        sidecar_task {
          resources {
            memory = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory
            memory_max = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory_max
            cpu = local.config.sidecar_proxy.cpu
      check {
        type = "script"
        command = "sh"
        args = [
          "if [ \"$(mongo --quiet --port=${local.config.mongo.1.port} --eval 'db.isMaster().ismaster')\" = \"true\" ]; then exit 0; else exit 2; fi"
        interval = "10s"
        timeout = "5s"
        task = "mongo-1"
        on_update = "ignore"

    # Première instance de MongoDB
    service {
      name = "mongo-1"

      # Cette instance utilise le port 27017
      port = local.config.mongo.1.port

      # Configuration du service mesh
      connect {
        sidecar_service {
          proxy {

            # On défini deux "upstreams" : un pour mongo-2 et l'autre pour mongo-3
            # Du POV de mongo-1, toutes les instances seront donc accessibles sur
            # sur les ports 27017, 27018 et 27019 (ce sera pareil pour les autres instances MongoDB)
            upstreams {
              destination_name = "mongo-2"
              local_bind_port = local.config.mongo.2.port
            upstreams {
              destination_name = "mongo-3"
              local_bind_port = local.config.mongo.3.port
        # On peut définir des ressources pour le proxy Envoy utilisé par le service mesh
        sidecar_task {
          resources {
            memory = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory
            memory_max = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory_max
            cpu = local.config.sidecar_proxy.cpu

      # Health check pour vérifier du bon fonctionnement de l'instance MongoDB
      check {
        type = "script"
        command = "sh"
        args = [ "-c", "mongo --port=${local.config.mongo.1.port} --eval \"db.stats()\"" ]
        interval = "10s"
        timeout = "5s"
        task = "mongo-1"

    # On défini une tâche qui initialise le replicaset au démarrage de mongo-1
    task "mongo-setup" {
      driver = "docker"
      lifecycle {
        # La tâche s'exécutera après le démarrage de la tâche principale, qui est mongo-1
        hook = "poststart"

      # On crée un fichier qui contient les commandes mongo pour l'initialisation du replicaset
      template {
        data = <<-EOF
          rsconf = {
              _id : "rs0",
              members: [
                      "_id": 0,
                      "host": "${local.config.mongo.1.port}",
                      "priority": 3
                      "_id": 1,
                      "host": "${local.config.mongo.2.port}",
                      "priority": 2
                      "_id": 2,
                      "host": "${local.config.mongo.3.port}",
                      "priority": 1
        # Ce fichier est créé dans local/initrs.js qui sera accessible dans le container dans /local/initrs.js
        destination = "local/initrs.js"

      # On utilise l'image mongo, qui contient le client mongo, mais on surcharge la commande
      # ici, on ne lance pas de serveur mongodb, on exécute juste le client mongo avec le fichier initrs.js en paramètre
      # On attend 30s pour avoir plus de chance que toutes les instances de MongoDB soient UP (serait mieux de tester les ports
      # 27017, 27018 et 27019)
      config {
        image = local.config.image
        command = "bash"
        args = [
          "sleep 30 && mongo --port=${local.config.mongo.1.port} --verbose /local/initrs.js"
      # Puisque cette tâche n'est exécutée qu'à l'initialisation, on ne veut pas lui réserver trop de ressources
      # donc on peut modifier l'allocation
      resources {
        cpu = 50
        memory = 50
        memory_max = 200

    # La tâche principale MongoDB
    task "mongo-1" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image = local.config.image
        args = [

      # Ressources réservées pour MongoDB
      resources {
        memory = local.config.resources.memory
        memory_max = local.config.resources.memory_max
        cpu = local.config.resources.cpu

      volume_mount {
        volume = "mongo1"
        destination = "/data/db"

  # Pour mongo-2 et mongo-3, on fait la même chose (en adaptant les sidecar_service), mais pour ceux là
  # par besoin de mongo-setup
  group "mongo-2" {
    network {
      mode = "bridge"

    volume "mongo2" {
      type            = "csi"
      source          = "mongo2"
      access_mode     = "single-node-writer"
      attachment_mode = "file-system"
    service {
      name = "mongo-master"
      port = local.config.mongo.2.port
      connect {
        sidecar_service {}
        sidecar_task {
          resources {
            memory = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory
            memory_max = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory_max
            cpu = local.config.sidecar_proxy.cpu
      check {
        type = "script"
        command = "bash"
        args = [
          "if [ \"$(mongo --quiet --port=${local.config.mongo.2.port} --eval 'db.isMaster().ismaster')\" = \"true\" ]; then exit 0; else exit 2; fi"
        interval = "10s"
        timeout = "5s"
        task = "mongo-2"
        on_update = "ignore"

    service {
      name = "mongo-2"
      port = local.config.mongo.2.port
      connect {
        sidecar_service {
          proxy {
            upstreams {
              destination_name = "mongo-1"
              local_bind_port = local.config.mongo.1.port
            upstreams {
              destination_name = "mongo-3"
              local_bind_port = local.config.mongo.3.port
        sidecar_task {
          resources {
            memory = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory
            memory_max = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory_max
            cpu = local.config.sidecar_proxy.cpu
      check {
        type = "script"
        command = "sh"
        args = [ "-c", "mongo --port=${local.config.mongo.2.port} --eval \"db.stats()\"" ]
        interval = "10s"
        timeout = "5s"
        task = "mongo-2"

    task "mongo-2" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image = local.config.image
        args = [

      resources {
        memory = local.config.resources.memory
        memory_max = local.config.resources.memory_max
        cpu = local.config.resources.cpu

      volume_mount {
        volume = "mongo2"
        destination = "/data/db"

  group "mongo-3" {
    network {
      mode = "bridge"

    volume "mongo3" {
      type            = "csi"
      source          = "mongo3"
      access_mode     = "single-node-writer"
      attachment_mode = "file-system"
    service {
      name = "mongo-master"
      port = local.config.mongo.3.port
      connect {
        sidecar_service {}
        sidecar_task {
          resources {
            memory = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory
            memory_max = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory_max
            cpu = local.config.sidecar_proxy.cpu
      check {
        type = "script"
        command = "bash"
        args = [
          "if [ \"$(mongo --quiet --port=${local.config.mongo.3.port} --eval 'db.isMaster().ismaster')\" = \"true\" ]; then exit 0; else exit 2; fi"
        interval = "10s"
        timeout = "5s"
        task = "mongo-3"
        on_update = "ignore"

    service {
      name = "mongo-3"
      port = local.config.mongo.3.port
      connect {
        sidecar_service {
          proxy {
            upstreams {
              destination_name = "mongo-1"
              local_bind_port = local.config.mongo.1.port
            upstreams {
              destination_name = "mongo-2"
              local_bind_port = local.config.mongo.2.port
        sidecar_task {
          resources {
            memory = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory
            memory_max = local.config.sidecar_proxy.memory_max
            cpu = local.config.sidecar_proxy.cpu
      check {
        type = "script"
        command = "sh"
        args = [ "-c", "mongo --port=${local.config.mongo.3.port} --eval \"db.stats()\"" ]
        interval = "10s"
        timeout = "5s"
        task = "mongo-3"

    task "mongo-3" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image = local.config.image
        args = [

      resources {
        memory = local.config.resources.memory
        memory_max = local.config.resources.memory_max
        cpu = local.config.resources.cpu

      volume_mount {
        volume = "mongo3"
        destination = "/data/db"

With a mongo.yml config file like this

  cpu: 200
  memory: 300
  memory_max: 1024

  cpu: 100
  memory: 80
  memory_max: 120

image: mongo:4.4.15-focal

    port: 27017
    port: 27018
    port: 27019

And an ingress gateway like this

job "ingress-mongo" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  spread {
    attribute = "${}"
  # On défini une ingress gateway, qui permet de joindre le cluster mongo (le master)
  # depuis l'extérieur du service mesh
  group "ingress-mongo-master" {

    count = 2
    network {
      mode = "bridge"
      # L'ingress gateway écoutera sur un port dynamique du node Nomad sur lequel elle tourne
      port "mongo-master-port" {
        to = 27017

    service {
      name = "ingress-mongo-master"
      port = "mongo-master-port"

      connect {
        gateway {
          ingress {
            listener {
              port = 27017
              service {
                # On connect l'ingress gateway au mongo-master
                # pour toujours tomber sur le serveur qui permet les écritures
                name = "mongo-master"
      # On peut exposer cette ingress gateway via traefik (ou bien on peut s'y connecter directement)
      tags = [

This will setup a replica set using the Consul service mesh for everything. You’ll need to add the propriate intentions in consul (mongo1 → mongo2, mongo1 → mongo3, mongo2 → mongo1, mongo2 → mongo3, mongo3 → mongo1, mongo3 → mongo2, ingress-mongo-master → mongo-master)
But there’s still a few issues, so this is not really production ready

  • All the mongo members are defined in different groups so they can be spread accross different nodes. But groups are not subject to the update policy, so when you update, all your mongo components will restart at the same time
  • I rely on a mongo-master “virtual” service which detects the current mongo leader. But this implies the mongo-master will always appears in a critical state (because 2 of the 3 instances will be in a critical state, as they are not the current leader). This should be replaced with a script updating service tags and user service-resolver’s with subset instead