No canary is created

I’m using Nomad v0.10.2 and trying to establish a canary deployment. I alread have a similar group where canary instances are created but for the group configuration that is included below I don’t see a canary that is created

nomad status project-feature-mp-15415
    Task Group                        Auto Revert  Promoted  Desired  Canaries  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy  Progress Deadline
    project-app-feature-mp-15415    true         true      3        1         3       3        0          2020-08-18T15:36:47Z
    project-db-feature-mp-15415     false        N/A       1        0         1       1        0          2020-08-18T15:29:51Z
    project-oauth-feature-mp-15415  true         N/A       3        0         3       3        0          2020-08-18T15:30:21Z

group "project-oauth-feature-mp-15415" {
    count = 3
    update {
        max_parallel     = 1
        canary           = 1
        min_healthy_time = "40s"
        auto_revert      = true
        auto_promote     = false
    task "oauth" {
        driver = "docker"
        config {
            image = "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/hub/authorizationserver:c1171dd75d26e53ce05a387b396f85a50145c832"
            port_map {
                http = "8080"
                management_http = "8081"
            dns_servers = [ "" ]

        resources {
            network {
                port "http" {}
                port "management_http" {}
        service {
            name = "project-oauth-feature-mp-15415"
            port = "http"
            tags = [
            canary_tags = [
            check {
                name     = "project-oauth-check"
                type     = "http"
                port     = "http" 
                path     = "/.well-known/jwks.json" 
                interval = "60s"
                timeout  = "10s"
                check_restart {
                    grace = "60s"
        service {
            name = "canary-project-oauth-feature-mp-15415"
            port = "http"
            tags = []
            canary_tags = [
            check {
                name     = "project-oauth-check"
                type     = "http"
                port     = "http" 
                path     = "/.well-known/jwks.json" 
                interval = "60s"
                timeout  = "10s"
                check_restart {
                    grace = "60s"