Referencing a list of object in sub-module

I’m trying, but failing to reference a list of object in a s3 submodule where I use a dynamic transition block.

In in the submodule

variable "transitions_list" {
  type = list(object({
    t_storage_class = string,
    t_days          = number
  default     = []
  description = "A list of transition classes and days for each transition"

In in the submodule

resource "aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration" "this" {
  bucket =
  rule {
    id     = "transition_to_sc"
    status = var.transition_to_sc_enabled
    transition {
      days          = var.transition_to_sc_days
      storage_class = var.transition_to_sc

    dynamic "transition" {
      for_each = var.transitions_list
        content {
          storage_class = transition.value["t_storage_class"]
          days          = transition.value["t_days"]

    abort_incomplete_multipart_upload {
      days_after_initiation = 7
  depends_on = [

In a var-file I have:

transitions_list = [
    t_storage_class = "GLACIER",
    t_days = 30 
    t_storage_class = "DEEP_ARCHIVE",
    t_days = 190 

When running plan against the submodule using -var-file I get the expected outcome, i.e. two transitions will be created:

  /* aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration.this must be replaced */
-/+ resource "aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration" "this" {
      ~ bucket = "drewtest60" -> (known after apply) # forces replacement
      ~ id     = "drewtest60" -> (known after apply)

      ~ rule {
            id     = "transition_to_sc"
            # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)

          - filter {

          + transition {
              + days          = 190
              + storage_class = "DEEP_ARCHIVE"
          + transition {
              + days          = 30
              + storage_class = "GLACIER"

            # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)

Now I want to reference the dynamic transition from other terraform code. I use an file that has:

locals {
  /* Configure buckets here. */
  buckets = {
    "drew-test-no-transitions8" = {
      billing = "test-lab"
      center  = "test"
      lab     = "test-lab"
    "drew-test-one-transitions8" = {
      billing = "test-lab"
      center  = "test"
      lab     = "test-lab"

      transitions_l = [
          t_storage_class = "GLACIER",
          t_days = 30
    "drew-test-multiple-transitions8" = {
      billing = "test-lab"
      center  = "test"
      lab     = "test-lab"

      transitions_l = [
          t_storage_class = "GLACIER",
          t_days = 30
          t_storage_class = "DEEP_ARCHIVE",
          t_days = 180

  } # End buckets

In other terraform code I try to use a splat expression to set the transtions:

module "drew-lab-buckets" {
  source      = "../../s3-bucket/modules/s3_bucket/"
  for_each    = local.buckets
  bucket_name = each.key

  transitions_list = try(
      for tran in [ each.key.transitions_l[*] ] :
          storage_class = tran[*].t_storage_class,
          days = tran[*].t_days
    ], []

This works, of course
  transitions_list = [
    for tran in transitions_l[*] :
        t_storage_class = "GLACIER",
        t_days = 190

The syntax appears correct, as both plan and apply run without errors. However, the dynamic transitions are not set, the non-dynamic transition IS set, as expected…

  /* module.drew-lab-buckets["drew-test-one-transitions9"].aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration.this will be created */
  + resource "aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration" "this" {
      + bucket = (known after apply)
      + id     = (known after apply)

      + rule {
          + id     = "transition_to_sc"
          + status = "Enabled"

          + abort_incomplete_multipart_upload {
              + days_after_initiation = 7

          + transition {
              + days          = 1
              + storage_class = "INTELLIGENT_TIERING"

So I must be using [*] wrong in some way. Any ideas?

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Done, hope that is better.

You’ve set yourself up for hard to debug problems by broad use of try():

The try() is swallowing at least one coding error in this code, and silently falling back to the [] case.

One of the errors is each.key.transitions_l - each.key is a string such as drew-test-multiple-transitions8 so trying to access .transitions_l on it fails. You want each.value.

tran[*] is also an error - that makes no sense, since tran is not a list-like thing.

transitions_l[*] is also an error - it makes no sense to use the [*] operator without further access/indexing operations after it.

This looks more reasonable:

  transitions_list = [
    for tran in try(each.value.transitions_l, []) :
        storage_class = tran.t_storage_class,
        days          = tran.t_days

@maxb you are a lifesaver!

Thanks so much.