Request for Feedback on Terraform Test JUnit XML output

No problem @apparentlymart,

The default view for Azure Devops is ‘test run’ (See the selector in the header of the test list section) This seems to assume the test run is a given junit.xml file and lists all the tests based upon the testcase name attribute , ignoring the containing testsuite node or classname attribute with them listed in ascending order of duration.
I can probably fiddle with the XML and see if I can get anything other than devops ignoring the classname or testsuite in this view (i’m not confident though :slight_smile: ). I’ll also try a few other things that spit out junit test results as a comparison (tflint springs to mind) but I agree, if there are duplicate test names (although in separate suites) it is not possible to associate them with their sibling tests without chaning the view.

The last screenshot I have selected the ‘test file’ view. ‘test file’ appears to be a synonym for the testsuite node and therefore groups the tests in a more sensible (IMO) manner :slight_smile: