Terraform think resource reference by name is different when comparing it to resource’s uuid
Code snippet when “terraform plan”:
# avi_healthmonitor.myhealthmonitor will be updated in-place
~ resource “avi_healthmonitor” “myhealthmonitor” {
failed_checks = 3
id = “”
is_federated = false
name = “myhealthmonitor”
receive_timeout = 4
send_interval = 5
successful_checks = 1
~ tenant_ref = “” -> “/api/tenant/?name=myhealthmonitor”
resource definition:
resource “avi_healthmonitor” “myhealthmonitor” {
tenant_ref = “/api/tenant/?name=${var.target_tenant}”
depends_on = [module.mod_executor]
name = “myhealthmonitor”
receive_timeout = 4
is_federated = false
failed_checks = 3
successful_checks = 1
send_interval = 5
http_monitor {
exact_http_request = true
http_request = “GET /lbhealthcheck/default.htm HTTP/1.1\r\n”
http_response_code = [“HTTP_2XX”, “HTTP_3XX”]
http_response = “This site is up”