Same resource provider different configuration for re-authentication

Hi all

Long story short, I need to create a Databricks Worskpace on Azure by authenticating - on the very module that builds the workspace - with a Service Principal , instead of using my own account to create it. Is this possible? I cannot find anything on the web. But, I think I have configured it correctly, I have used the following on my parent module:

terraform {
    required_version = "~>1.1"
    required_providers {
        azurerm = {
            source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
            version = "=2.96.0"
            configuration_aliases = [azurerm.for_databricks]
        null = {
            source = "hashicorp/null"
            version = "3.1.0"

provider "null" {
  # Configuration options

provider "azurerm" {
    features {}
    skip_provider_registration = false

provider "azurerm" {
    alias = "for_databricks"
    features {}
    skip_provider_registration = false
    client_id       = var.adb_client_id
    client_secret   = var.adb_client_secret
    tenant_id = var.tenant_id
    subscription_id = var.subscription_id # USE WITH EXTRA *CAUTION - normally we switch the Subscription through az cli*.


variable "client_tags" {}
variable "common_tags" {}

# variable databricks_nat_gateway_public_ip_name {}
# variable databricks_nat_gateway_name {}
variable databricks_network_security_group_name {}
variable databricks_resource_group_name {}
variable databricks_resource_group_azure_location {}
variable databricks_resource_group_iam_contributors {}
variable databricks_resource_group_iam_readers {}
variable databricks_vnet_name {}
variable databricks_vnet_address_space {}
variable databricks_subnets {}
variable databricks_workspace_name {}
variable databricks_workspace_sku {}
variable "adb_client_id" {}
variable "adb_client_secret" {}
variable "tenant_id" {}
variable "subscription_id" {}

module "resource_group" {
    source = "../../modules/resource_group"
    resource_group_name = var.databricks_resource_group_name
    resource_group_azure_location = var.databricks_resource_group_azure_location
    resource_group_iam_contributors = var.databricks_resource_group_iam_contributors
    resource_group_iam_readers = var.databricks_resource_group_iam_readers
    common_tags = var.common_tags
    client_tags = var.client_tags

module "network" {
    source = "../../modules/virtual_network"
    virtual_network_name = var.databricks_vnet_name
    virtual_network_location = var.databricks_resource_group_azure_location
    virtual_network_resource_group_name = var.databricks_resource_group_name
    virtual_network_address_space = var.databricks_vnet_address_space
    subnets  = var.databricks_subnets
    subnet_resource_group_name = var.databricks_resource_group_name
    subnet_virtual_network_name = var.databricks_vnet_name
    common_tags = var.common_tags
    client_tags = var.client_tags

    depends_on = [module.resource_group,]

module "workspace" {
    providers = {
        azurerm = azurerm
        azurerm.for_databricks = azurerm.for_databricks
    source = "../../modules/databricks/workspace"
    databricks_name = var.databricks_workspace_name
    databricks_resource_group_name = var.databricks_resource_group_name
    databricks_location = var.databricks_resource_group_azure_location
    databricks_sku = var.databricks_workspace_sku
    databricks_network_security_group_name = var.databricks_network_security_group_name
    databricks_vnet_name = var.databricks_vnet_name
    # databricks_nat_gateway_public_ip_name = var.databricks_nat_gateway_public_ip_name
    # databricks_nat_gateway_name  = var.databricks_nat_gateway_name
    common_tags = var.common_tags
    client_tags = var.client_tags

    depends_on = [,]


It works perfectly, HOWEVER, it doesn’t seem to switch the authentication and still creates the workspace with my own account.

(NOTE : I have already set my account through the Azure CLI, beforehand.)

Any ideas ?