Sidecar proxy does not expose UDP ports


I was trying to setup consul connect between CoreDNS → Consul DNS,
The problem I am having is that DNS is running on the UDP port, and the proxy sidecar does not seem to expose UDP ports in the CoreDNS container.

Running ss -tulpn inside the CoreDNS container gives me:

Netid           State            Recv-Q           Send-Q                     Local Address:Port                       Peer Address:Port           Process           
tcp             LISTEN           0                4096                                   *                                
tcp             LISTEN           0                4096                                    *                                
tcp             LISTEN           0                4096                                  *

Service definition for Consul

service {
  name = "consul-dns"
  port = 8600
  connect {
    sidecar_service {}
  check {
    id       = "consul-dns-check"
    name     = "Check if the DNS service is working"
    tcp      = ""
    interval = "30s"
    timeout  = "4s"

Service definition for CoreDNS

service {
  name = "coredns"
  port = "dns"
  tags = ["dns"]
  connect {
    sidecar_service {
      proxy {
        upstreams {
          destination_name = "consul-dns"
          local_bind_port = 8600

I tried digging through the documentation, but I could not find anything that would help me resolve this issue.
Can sidecar proxy UDP ports too?