"The template output 'vnet_name' is not valid: The language expression property 'vnetName' doesn't exist"

Hello, I am using a Terraform template to deploy automatically a Consul Cluster on Azure (https://github.com/cpu601/terraform-azurerm-hcs).
I am facing an issue where I am getting:

'" Details=[{"code":"DeploymentOutputEvaluationFailed","message": "The template output 'vnet_name' is not valid: The language expression property 'vnetName' doesn't exist, available properties are 'state, storageAccountName, blobContainerName, storageAccountResourceGroup, location, consulInitialVersion, consulCurrentVersion, consulDatacenter, consulNumServers, consulAutomaticUpgrades, consulExternalEndpoint, consulSnapshotInterval, consulSnapshotRetention, managedAppId, consulConfigFile, consulCaFile, consulConnect, consulVnetCidr, consulPrivateEndpointUrl, consulClusterId, email'..","target":"vnet_name"}]

Here is my main.tf :

module "hcs" {
  source  = "cpu601/hcs/azurerm"
  version = "0.6.0"
  application_name             = "hcs"
  consul_cluster_name          = "consul-something"
  email                        = "something@something.com"
  resource_group_name          = module.res_group.name
  consul_cluster_mode          = "PRODUCTION"
  region                       = "uksouth"
  accept_marketplace_aggrement = "true"

(we set up the resource name in another module)


output "consul_url" {
  value = module.hcs.consul_url

Thank you for your help!