Trying to update lookout for metric detector


Wanted to update my lookout for metric detector, to add a new field to monitor in the metric list. Also wanted to remove the historical_data_path_list field so that when I reactivate the detector, it should work directly on the live data without training itself with historical data (since adding a new field in the metric list).

ref resource :

resource "awscc_lookoutmetrics_anomaly_detector" "detector" {
  provider              = awscc
  anomaly_detector_name = var.detector_name

  anomaly_detector_config = {
    anomaly_detector_frequency = "PT5M"
  metric_set_list = [
      metric_set_name      = var.detector_metric_set_name
      metric_set_frequency = "PT5M"
      dataset_mode         = "Continuous"
      metric_source = {
        s3_source_config = {
          file_format_descriptor = {
            json_format_descriptor = {
              charset = "UTF-8"
          role_arn                  = var.detector_role_arn
          historical_data_path_list = var.historical_data_path_list
          templated_path_list       = var.templated_path_list,
      metric_list = var.metric_list
      timestamp_column = {
        column_format = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"
        column_name   = "timestamp"

      dimension_list = var.dimension_list

When I try to remove historical_data_path_list parameter and try terraform apply, in my local setup, it doesn’t even recognize the change.
but in my organization setup we are using a jenkins pipeline for deployment, there I am getting errors saying “It’s an mandatory field” and pipeline fails.

Any ideas?