Unable to delete a duplicate entry(which consists of space) in Vault


I am facing an issue while deleting the duplicate entries in Vault. The duplicate ID consists of space and the other(original one) consists of no spaces. Could anyone kindly assist on how to get rid of these duplicate entries which consist of spaces at the end?

Uploaded are the screenshots for the same.



Shashank B

What happens when you click delete? Have you checked the vault cli to see if there is a permission error?

When I click on delete which consists of space. Both the entries get deleted.
Post that I try to re-add the new single entry(without space).
When I log off or refresh I see the duplicate entry again(with space) getting auto-populated.

I confirmed with the Vault admin that I do have the complete access on it-sap-security folder.

Interesting. Can you provide a vault status? I’m on 1.8.2 and it seems to work without any issue, I tried it on the web portal and CLI:

$ echo 1 | vault kv put secret/creds\ key foo=-
Key              Value
---              -----
created_time     2021-09-28T08:07:32.50332687Z
deletion_time    n/a
destroyed        false
version          1
$ echo 2 | vault kv put secret/creds_key foo=-
Key              Value
---              -----
created_time     2021-09-28T08:07:41.138509621Z
deletion_time    n/a
destroyed        false
version          1
$ vault kv list secret/
creds key

$ vault kv delete secret/creds\ key
Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: secret/creds key
$ vault kv get secret/creds\ key/foo
No value found at secret/data/creds key/foo
$ vault kv get secret/creds_key
====== Metadata ======
Key              Value
---              -----
created_time     2021-09-28T08:07:41.138509621Z
deletion_time    n/a
destroyed        false
version          1

=== Data ===
Key    Value
---    -----
foo    2

Below are the details for the same.

Key Value

Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.0.1
Cluster Name vault-cluster-73f4fb19
Cluster ID f51d2692-25e7-8f90-8c99-9005bbfd4beb
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster
HA Mode active

1.0.1?!? I think you need to update. 1.6 is the oldest version currently supported.

Thanks @aram for your kind help.

Will verify if this update helps with the duplicate entry.