Validate parameter which depends on other parameter


I have one resource parameter defined as below:

      "custom_field": {                                                                             
        Type:     schema.TypeSet,                                                                   
        Optional: true,                                                                             
        Elem: &schema.Resource{                                                                     
          Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{                                                        
            "name": {                                                                               
              Type:     schema.TypeString,                                                          
              Required: true,                                                                       
            "type": {                                                                               
              Type:     schema.TypeString,                                                          
              Required: true,                                                                       
              ValidateFunc: validation.StringInSlice([]string{"text", "integer", "boolean",         
                "date", "url", "selection", "multiple"}, false),                                    
            "value": {                                                                              
              Type:     schema.TypeString,                                                          
              Required: true,                                                                       

I would like to add a ValidateFunc to parameter value. But to validate the value parameter I need to know what type is (parameter type). Is-it possible to get the value of the parameter typein validate function of parametervalue` ?

If not how to achieve this ?
