Variable validate value in specific key in json?


I cannot use the datadog_dashboard data structure because I am unable to dynamically send a multilevel object with various optional data (see Dynamic blocks with dynamic key? - #10 by cvalentin-dkt)

This is why I go through the json mode which also makes life easier for my users via the export of dashboards in datadog.

When i try this :

variable "example_json" {
  type = string

  validation {
    condition = (
       can(jsondecode(var.dashboard)) ?
       (regex("^[Monitoring]", jsondecode(var.dashboard).title)) :
    error_message = "Must be valid JSON and have Title set to \"example\"."

I can’t use regex here :confused:

│   on ../terraform-modules/monitoring-datadog-terraform-dashboard-v2/ line 56, in variable "dashboard":
│   56:        (regex("^[Monitoring]", jsondecode(var.dashboard).title)) :

Call to function "regex" failed: pattern did not match any part of the given string.

So I try like this, but I have the regex can not find me the necessary fields :

variable "dashboard" {
  type        = string
  description = "The JSON formatted definition of the Dashboard."
  validation {
    condition = can(regex("^[(Test|Test1|Test2)]", jsondecode(var.dashboard).title))
    error_message = "Dashboard Title must be contain prefix business_department, Format : [business_department] NAME."

Any idea ?

I would just like to check that the title field of the json does indeed contain a potential list of values in prefix in the format [PREFIX] …