variable "vcenter_username" { type = string description = "The username for authenticating to vCenter." default = "" sensitive = true } variable "vcenter_password" { type = string description = "The plaintext password for authenticating to vCenter." default = "" sensitive = true } variable "ssh_username" { type = string description = "The username to use to authenticate over SSH." default = "" sensitive = true } variable "ssh_password" { type = string description = "The plaintext password to use to authenticate over SSH." default = "" sensitive = true } # vSphere Objects variable "vcenter_insecure_connection" { type = bool description = "If true, does not validate the vCenter server's TLS certificate." default = true } variable "vcenter_server" { type = string description = "The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the vCenter Server instance." default = "" } variable "vcenter_datacenter" { type = string description = "Required if there is more than one datacenter in vCenter." default = "" } variable "vcenter_host" { type = string description = "The ESXi host where target VM is created." default = "" } variable "vcenter_cluster" { type = string description = "The cluster where target VM is created." default = "" } variable "vcenter_datastore" { type = string description = "Required for clusters, or if the target host has multiple datastores." default = "" } variable "vcenter_network" { type = string description = "The network segment or port group name to which the primary virtual network adapter will be connected." default = "" } variable "vcenter_folder" { type = string description = "The VM folder in which the VM template will be created." default = "" } # ISO Objects variable "iso_path" { type = string description = "The path on the source vSphere datastore for ISO images." default = "" } variable "iso_url" { type = string description = "The url to retrieve the iso image" default = "" } variable "iso_file" { type = string description = "The file name of the guest operating system ISO image installation media." default = "" } variable "iso_checksum" { type = string description = "The checksum of the ISO image." default = "" } variable "iso_checksum_type" { type = string description = "The checksum type of the ISO image. Ex: sha256" default = "" } # HTTP Endpoint variable "http_directory" { type = string description = "Directory of config files(user-data, meta-data)." default = "" } # Virtual Machine Settings variable "vm_name" { type = string description = "The template vm name" default = "" } variable "vm_guest_os_type" { type = string description = "The guest operating system type, also know as guestid." default = "" } variable "vm_version" { type = number description = "The VM virtual hardware version." # } variable "vm_firmware" { type = string description = "The virtual machine firmware. (e.g. 'bios' or 'efi')" default = "" } variable "vm_cdrom_type" { type = string description = "The virtual machine CD-ROM type." default = "" } variable "vm_cpu_sockets" { type = number description = "The number of virtual CPUs sockets." } variable "vm_cpu_cores" { type = number description = "The number of virtual CPUs cores per socket." } variable "vm_mem_size" { type = number description = "The size for the virtual memory in MB." } variable "vm_disk_size" { type = number description = "The size for the virtual disk in MB." } variable "thin_provision" { type = bool description = "Thin or Thick provisioning of the disk" } variable "disk_eagerly_scrub" { type = bool description = "eagrly scrub zeros" default = false } variable "vm_disk_controller_type" { type = list(string) description = "The virtual disk controller types in sequence." } variable "vm_network_card" { type = string description = "The virtual network card type." default = "" } variable "vm_boot_wait" { type = string description = "The time to wait before boot. " default = "" } variable "shell_scripts" { type = list(string) description = "A list of scripts." default = [] } ################################################################################## # LOCALS ################################################################################## locals { buildtime = formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm ZZZ", timestamp()) } ################################################################################## # SOURCE ################################################################################## source "vsphere-iso" "linux-ubuntu-server" { vcenter_server = var.vcenter_server username = var.vcenter_username password = var.vcenter_password datacenter = var.vcenter_datacenter datastore = var.vcenter_datastore host = var.vcenter_host cluster = var.vcenter_cluster folder = var.vcenter_folder insecure_connection = var.vcenter_insecure_connection tools_upgrade_policy = true remove_cdrom = true convert_to_template = true guest_os_type = var.vm_guest_os_type vm_version = var.vm_version notes = "Built by HashiCorp Packer on ${local.buildtime}." vm_name = var.vm_name firmware = var.vm_firmware CPUs = var.vm_cpu_sockets cpu_cores = var.vm_cpu_cores CPU_hot_plug = false RAM = var.vm_mem_size RAM_hot_plug = false cdrom_type = var.vm_cdrom_type disk_controller_type = var.vm_disk_controller_type storage { disk_size = var.vm_disk_size disk_controller_index = 0 disk_thin_provisioned = var.thin_provision disk_eagerly_scrub = var.disk_eagerly_scrub } network_adapters { network = var.vcenter_network network_card = var.vm_network_card } iso_url = var.iso_url iso_paths = ["[${ var.vcenter_datastore }] /${ var.iso_path }/${ var.iso_file }"] iso_checksum = "${var.iso_checksum_type}:${var.iso_checksum}" http_directory = var.http_directory boot_order = "disk,cdrom" boot_wait = var.vm_boot_wait cd_files = [ "./${var.http_directory}/meta-data", "./${var.http_directory}/user-data"] cd_label = "cidata" boot_command = [ "e", " autoinstall ds=nocloud;", "" ] ip_wait_timeout = "20m" ssh_password = var.ssh_password ssh_username = var.ssh_username ssh_port = 22 ssh_timeout = "30m" ssh_handshake_attempts = "100" shutdown_command = "echo '${var.ssh_password}' | sudo -S -E shutdown -P now" shutdown_timeout = "15m" } ################################################################################## # BUILD ################################################################################## build { sources = [ "source.vsphere-iso.linux-ubuntu-server"] provisioner "shell" { execute_command = "echo '${var.ssh_password}' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'" environment_vars = [ "BUILD_USERNAME=${var.ssh_username}", ] scripts = var.shell_scripts expect_disconnect = true } }