2023-06-16T11:27:28.615Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:28.622Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" 2023-06-16T11:27:29.245Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:29.250Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" 2023-06-16T11:27:29.713Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:29.719Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" 2023-06-16T11:27:31.405Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:31.412Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" 2023-06-16T11:27:32.452Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:32.457Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" 2023-06-16T11:27:36.005Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:36.013Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" 2023-06-16T11:27:38.789Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:38.795Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" 2023-06-16T11:27:44.321Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:44.327Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" 2023-06-16T11:27:55.945Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: trying to connect to a Consul server 2023-06-16T11:27:55.952Z [ERROR] consul-server-connection-manager: connection error: error="failed to discover Consul server addresses: failed to resolve DNS name: consul-consul-server.consul.svc: lookup consul-consul-server.consul.svc on no such host" unable to start Consul server watcher: context canceled 2023-06-16T11:28:07.399Z [INFO] consul-server-connection-manager: stopping