[2022-05-06T11:39:31.367] [DEBUG] default - { "terraform_version": "1.1.7", "platform": "linux_amd64", "provider_selections": {}, "terraform_outdated": true } [2022-05-06T11:39:31.371] [DEBUG] default - { "terraform_version": "1.1.7", "platform": "linux_amd64", "provider_selections": {}, "terraform_outdated": true } [2022-05-06T11:39:31.372] [DEBUG] default - v16.14.2 [2022-05-06T11:39:32.708] [DEBUG] default - Name: cdktf Version: 0.10.4 [2022-05-06T11:39:32.709] [DEBUG] default - Summary: Cloud Development Kit for Terraform Home-page: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk Author: HashiCorp Author-email: [2022-05-06T11:39:32.709] [DEBUG] default - License: MPL-2.0 [2022-05-06T11:39:32.709] [DEBUG] default - Location: /home/userid/.local/share/virtualenvs/cdk-error-8ezucnAB/lib/python3.8/site-packages Requires: constructs, jsii, publication Required-by: [2022-05-06T11:39:32.749] [DEBUG] default - CLI version: 0.10.4 [2022-05-06T11:39:32.749] [DEBUG] default - python package version: 0.10.4 [2022-05-06T11:39:32.775] [DEBUG] default - Terraform v1.1.7 on linux_amd64 [2022-05-06T11:39:32.776] [DEBUG] default -  Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version is 1.1.9. You can update by downloading from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html ⠋ starting... ⠋ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠙ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠹ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠸ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠼ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠴ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠦ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠧ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠇ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠏ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠋ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠙ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠹ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠸ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠼ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠴ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠦ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠧ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠇ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠏ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠋ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠙ downloading and generating modules and providers... ⠙ downloading and generating modules and providers... TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hasOwnProperty') at _ct (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:53:31107) at Ect (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:53:32069) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:53:30786 at async Kde (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:43:854) at async F$ (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:53:30439) at async z$.generateTypeScript (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:60:6409) at async z$.generate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:60:6671) at async zJ (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:397:1325) at async /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cdktf-cli/bundle/bin/cmds/handlers.js:419:10982 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hasOwnProperty')