Hello there,
Just wonder if someone faced such issue before and have some clear explanation.
I can’t find exact cause in documentation, sorry…
Doing code migration from 0.14.11
directly to 1.1.2
We have 140ish modules so bypassing 0.15 and 1.0.0.
During planning faced following issue struggling to explain.
- Have working module on
version resulting intoPlan: 0 to add, 14 to change, 0 to destroy
- Running same code on
result intoInconsistent conditional result types
Error: Inconsistent conditional result types
│ on main.tf line 71, in locals:
│ 71: detail = type_key == "sfn" ? {
│ 72: status = state
│ 73: stateMachineArn = type.event_template.detail.stateMachineArn
│ 74: } : type_key == "codebuild" ? {
│ 75: build-status = state
│ 76: project-name = type.event_template.detail.project-name
│ 77: } : {}
│ ├────────────────
│ │ type.event_template.detail.stateMachineArn is tuple with 1 element
│ The true result value has the wrong type: element types must all match for conversion to map.
- Flattening is kind odd but don’t judge me on that
cw_notify_events = flatten([
for type_key, type in local.notification_types : [
for state_key, state in type.states : [
for index in range(0, lookup(var.event_rules_count, type_key, 1)) : {
type = type_key
name = join("-", [type_key, state_key, index])
template = {
source = type.event_template.source
detail-type = type.event_template.detail-type
detail = type_key == "sfn" ? {
status = state
stateMachineArn = type.event_template.detail.stateMachineArn
} : type_key == "codebuild" ? {
build-status = state
project-name = type.event_template.detail.project-name
} : {}
- indeed notification_types holds stateMachineArn as list with one element.
notification_types = {
sfn = {
states = {
start = ["RUNNING"]
success = ["SUCCEEDED"]
failure = [
event_template = {
source = ["aws.states"]
detail-type = ["Step Functions Execution Status Change"]
detail = {
status = []
stateMachineArn = [local.stub_sfn_arn]
codebuild = {
states = {
start = ["IN_PROGRESS"]
success = ["SUCCEEDED"]
failure = [
event_template = {
source = ["aws.codebuild"]
detail-type = ["CodeBuild Build State Change"]
detail = {
build-status = []
project-name = [local.stub_codebild_project]
With new version 1.1.2
clear exception, to remediate you need access by index.
But how it works on 0.14.11
Don’t want to catch some pitfall in production