Hi, I am using hashicorp’s hosted service. I am not using consul yet.
I have enabled the option to allow requests from outside the VPC.
I generated an admin token from the dashboard, Set VAULT_TOKEN
When I run literally anything like,
vault debug
vault auth list
vault kv list <kv-that-exists>
I get 403 errors like this.
Error listing enabled authentications: Error making API request.
URL: GET https://instadapp.vault.1592b418-2038-43e8-bf5a-0b50c0ea68e5.aws.hashicorp.cloud:8200/v1/sys/auth
Code: 403. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* permission denied
~ # vault token create -wrap-ttl=1440m -field=wrapping_token
Error creating token: Error making API request.
URL: POST https://instadapp.vault.1592b418-2038-43e8-bf5a-0b50c0ea68e5.aws.hashicorp.cloud:8200/v1/auth/token/create
Code: 403. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* permission denied
I searched in the github issues and there are literally 10-15 more or less similar issues
What do I need to do to fix this?