60 GB used for a vault with only 1 MB of json stored and few access


I am administrating a vault instance version that is using 60GB of disk space in “/opt/vault/data/auth/24011f85-ca24-e0ef-ddcd-0f53dc290329/accessor”, when the vault is storing only 1 MB of json configs.

I ran vault write -force auth/token/tidy and won zero space.
vault list auth/token/accessors | wc -l shows only 19 keys.

My vault version is Vault v1.18.0 and storage is file.

What can be causing that 60GB of what i believe to be trash?
Is it safe to remove the files?

Thanks in advance

Any help? Nobody? Not even a hint?

Really nobody? Not even a post to mock me and say how stupid I am for not knowing the basics?