Which syntax should I use for this configuration: I have N identical EC2 instances named “www” and would like to create a single DNS RR with the IPs of all those N instances for load balancing.
I’ve tried the variants below and neither of them does what I need. Can you please give me a hand?
resource "aws_route53_record" "www" {
count = 1
zone_id = var.dns_zone
name = "www"
type = "A"
ttl = "300"
records = ["${element(aws_instance.www.*.public_ip, count.index)}"]
} // creates record with only one IP
resource "aws_route53_record" "www" {
count = 1
zone_id = var.dns_zone
name = "www"
type = "A"
ttl = "300"
records = [aws_instance.www.*.public_ip]
} // gives error
I probably need some kind of loop to iterate over the aws_instance.www.*.public_ip list.
When I use the configuration records = ["", ""] I see two IP addresses for the “www” record as desired. So a list is OK there. I just need to convert the result of aws_instance.www.*.public_ip into a list. Please help?
@maxb Another related question if you don’t mind. Do you think it’s possible to avoid a Terraform error when the aws_instance.www.*.public_ip list becomes empty? When I scale the number of “www” instances down to 0, I would like the DNS record to either be deleted altogether (or not created from the start) or the IPs to be replaced with some default value like How can I do that?
Seems to work, thank you @maxb ! A smart way of doing it.
I also had to change the output value from value = aws_route53_record.www.fqdn
to value = aws_route53_record.www.*.fqdn
so it’s changed from string to list but it’s a minor inconvenience.