So I was hoping to have one approle with multiple secret_ids, and be able to put out an oidc/jwt token based on that secret_id. Since the metadata is already in there, it looked promising and I came up with this secret_id payload:
"metadata": "{ \"hostname\": \"$SERVER_NAME\", \"client_hostname\": \"$SERVER_NAME-client\" }",
"cidr_list": "${IP_ADDR}/32",
"token_bound_cidrs": "${IP_ADDR}/32",
"num_uses": 5,
"ttl": "60m"
Where I set the IP and hostname, respectively. This works as intended, and when restarting my cluster auto-configuration attempts, I realized that something was wrong. I set up this oidc role:
vault write identity/oidc/role/consul-auto-config ttl=10m key="oidc-key-1" client_id="consul-cluster-dc1" template='{"consul": {"hostname": {{identity.entity.aliases.auth_approle_xyzzy.metadata.client_hostname}} } }'
Which worked… Until more machines started to come up. Turns out, that the client_hostname metadata I added seems to get set to a merged value on the entity, and it doesn’t lookup the client_hostname from the secret_id metadata (which I was hoping for).
Now, I can of course add one approle per machine to get this whole bootstrapping process up and running, but before I do that: Is there any way to bend the templating thing to my will, and use one approle but get at the metadata in the specific secret_id somehow?