ACME Certificate with GKE

I am attempting to use terraform to auto deploy certs through lets encrypt. I am struggling to connect the dots.

I see this link, ( but the example is actually passing in an Account Key and a Private key. I actually want terraform to setup a cert-manager in my GKE and go get the cert.

provider "acme" {
  server_url = ""

resource "tls_private_key" "private_key" {
  algorithm = "RSA"

resource "acme_registration" "reg" {
  account_key_pem = "${tls_private_key.private_key.private_key_pem}"
  email_address   = ""

resource "acme_certificate" "certificate" {
  account_key_pem           = "${acme_registration.reg.account_key_pem}"
  common_name               = ""
  subject_alternative_names = [""]

  dns_challenge {
    provider = "route53"

I also see this ( that I can provide a DNS Challenge (Domain was purchased through godaddy). I don’t see any way to get a hold of the cert and store it in my cloud (ideally as a K8s secret).

resource "acme_certificate" "certificate" {

  dns_challenge {
    provider = "godaddy"

My goal (assuming that I am thinking straight) is that terraform can setup the cert manager and begin the challenge question. On success a new cert will be created and stored as a K8s secret.

Is this possible? Am I thinking straight?

Thank you.

To set up certificates on GKE, I would use either the new Google-managed SSL certificates or cert-manager in the GKE cluster. That way the issuing of the certificates is handled for you by GKE.

Cert-manager has the advantage that it also supports wildcard domains, where as the Google managed ones don’t (yet).