Add self created azure function app host key using terraform

Is it possible to add self created host key to azure function app keys, so as to access restricted azure function using the key I have created.


I don’t see it in the old (AzureRM 2.x) or new (AzureRM 3.x) Function app options. This would be a very nice addition to AzureRM.

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Is this now possible? Having looked at the latest azurerm documentation, I cannot seem to see an option for this. This is a really useful function to have if possible,

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Hope to see this feature soon. Would be a great feature to have in terraform. Not sure why this is not considered important by the admins.

Not just a nice to have. I’m forced to go back to bicep because of this. AzureRM has too many such functionality holes to be truly useful to me. I like Terraform, but it’s just not up to par with the functionality in either ARM/Bicep or the REST api.

If you want to stay in the terraform space, in these instances you might consider the AzAPI provider.
I use this to plug the functionally gaps of the AzureRm provider on things like this when either the provider is missing a specific setting or when the provider is behind the features of the ARM API for a resource as it evolves.
It always seems to be on resources based on app services (functions, logic app standard, web apps, etc.) though :slight_smile:

A recent example:

# Provides support for setting Logic App Standard access restriction properties not 
# supported by AzureRM provider (3.61.0)
resource "azapi_update_resource" "logic_app_standard_dih_access_restriction" {
  resource_id =
  type        = "Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-09-01"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      publicNetworkAccess = var.access_restrictions.public_network_access ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"
      siteConfig = {
        ipSecurityRestrictionsDefaultAction    = var.access_restrictions.ip_security_restriction_default
        scmIpSecurityRestrictionsDefaultAction = var.access_restrictions.scm_ip_security_restriction_default
        scmIpSecurityRestrictionsUseMain       = var.access_restrictions.scm_ip_security_restrictions_use_main

Thanks for the idea ExtelligenceIT. After playing around a lot with the AzApi provider I have gotten the following to work. This terraform code will make a call against the Azure Rest API at the endpoint attached below to create a function-app level host secret which is another way of saying host key

resource “azapi_resource_action” “” {
type = “Microsoft.Web/sites@2024-04-01”
resource_id =
action = “host/default/functionkeys/name-of-your-key”
method = “PUT”
body = {
properties = {
value = “value-of-your-key”