Agent.server.raft: failed to make requestVote RPC

I have deployed three consul-server pods in kubernetes , but one node not work. the pod in k8s work like this:

kubectl get pods -n consul -o wide |grep consul-server
consul-server-0                  0/1     Running       0          37m   <none>           <none>
consul-server-1                  1/1     Terminating   0          121m    <none>           <none>
consul-server-2                  0/1     Running       0          37m   <none>           <none>

and in consul-server-0 && consul-server-2

/ # consul  members
Node             Address          Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC   Segment
consul-server-0  alive   server  1.9.1  2         pri  <all>
consul-server-2  alive   server  1.9.1  2         pri  <all>

the consul-server-1 not list here. but agent.server.raft: failed to make requestVote RPC
and log show that consul-server send request to a dead member.

2021-09-18T08:03:14.954Z [ERROR] agent.server.raft: failed to make requestVote RPC: target="{Voter 30db0865-82d5-9394-6471-ec548671d923}" error="dial tcp <nil>-> i/o timeout"
2021-09-18T08:03:22.890Z [ERROR] agent.server.raft: failed to make requestVote RPC: target="{Voter 30db0865-82d5-9394-6471-ec548671d923}" error="dial tcp <nil>-> i/o timeout"
2021-09-18T08:03:30.066Z [ERROR] agent: Coordinate update error: error="No cluster leader"

and consul info is

	check_monitors = 0
	check_ttls = 0
	checks = 59
	services = 84
	prerelease =
	revision = ca5c3894
	version = 1.9.1
	acl = disabled
	bootstrap = false
	known_datacenters = 1
	leader = false
	leader_addr =
	server = true
	applied_index = 0
	commit_index = 0
	fsm_pending = 0
	last_contact = never
	last_log_index = 889
	last_log_term = 2
	last_snapshot_index = 0
	last_snapshot_term = 0
	latest_configuration = [{Suffrage:Voter ID:bc794178-e391-2f87-95e5-ba952d50284c Address:} {Suffrage:Voter ID:25f50769-7664-321e-4595-0efa5b256d62 Address:} {Suffrage:Voter ID:30db0865-82d5-9394-6471-ec548671d923 Address:}]
	latest_configuration_index = 0
	num_peers = 2
	protocol_version = 3
	protocol_version_max = 3
	protocol_version_min = 0
	snapshot_version_max = 1
	snapshot_version_min = 0
	state = Candidate
	term = 424
	arch = amd64
	cpu_count = 16
	goroutines = 139
	max_procs = 16
	os = linux
	version = go1.15.6
	coordinate_resets = 0
	encrypted = false
	event_queue = 0
	event_time = 2
	failed = 0
	health_score = 0
	intent_queue = 0
	left = 0
	member_time = 12
	members = 2
	query_queue = 0
	query_time = 1
	coordinate_resets = 0
	encrypted = false
	event_queue = 0
	event_time = 1
	failed = 0
	health_score = 0
	intent_queue = 0
	left = 0
	member_time = 9
	members = 2
	query_queue = 0
	query_time = 1

consul start command


      exec /bin/consul agent \
        -advertise="${ADVERTISE_IP}" \
        -bind= \
        -bootstrap-expect=3 \
        -client= \
        -config-dir=/consul/config \
        -datacenter=pri \
        -data-dir=/consul/data \
        -config-file=/consul/config/telemetry.hcl \
        -domain=consul \
        -hcl="connect { enabled = true }" \
        -ui \
        -retry-join="${CONSUL_FULLNAME}-server-0.${CONSUL_FULLNAME}-server.${NAMESPACE}.svc:8301" \
        -retry-join="${CONSUL_FULLNAME}-server-1.${CONSUL_FULLNAME}-server.${NAMESPACE}.svc:8301" \
        -retry-join="${CONSUL_FULLNAME}-server-2.${CONSUL_FULLNAME}-server.${NAMESPACE}.svc:8301" \
        -serf-lan-port=8301 \

I do not know how to solve it, can anyone tell me why?

You need to do a kubectl describe and kubectl logs for the failed pod and possibly a kubectl describe for the statefulset itself.

the node of failed pod is dead(shutdown forever), so logs can not get from kubectl command.
I have found the document of consul say that A Raft cluster of 3 nodes can tolerate a single node failure while a cluster of 5 can tolerate 2 node failures.
I have deployed 3 nodes, when the node of leader dead unexpected, the cluster cannot work normally as except (If the dead node returns to normal, the cluster will also return to normal). while if the other two node dead, the cluster can work as before.

Should I change start command?