Agent Sidecar Injector reads secret with delay


I use Agent Sidecar Injector in Kubernetes and it reads secrets with a delay.
If my pod starts with this entrypoint script,

SECRETS=$(ls /vault/secrets)

for secretFile in $SECRETS; do
cat /vault/secrets/$secretFile >> /vaultEnvs

file /vaultEnvs is empty.
But if I add a few seconds pause before it, everything is OK

sleep 15

SECRETS=$(ls /vault/secrets)

for secretFile in $SECRETS; do
cat /vault/secrets/$secretFile >> /vaultEnvs

Is it possible for Agent Sidecar Injector read secret immediately without a delay?

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Is your pod an init-container or a normal running container?

In case you run an init-container, you can add the following annotation to ensure correct startup order

If you want to ensure that the secrets are pre-populated (this is done in another init-container), you can use the annotation. This can be done for both the type of containers.

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