An Issue with Nomad on Kubernetes: "Failed to mount shared directory for task"

I’m attempting to run Nomad within a Kubernetes cluster, basing my approach in large part on Kelsey Hightower’s nomad-on-kubernetes repo.

So far, everything seems to go fine until I try to run a job. Consul and Nomad are running, and the Nomad servers are able to connect to each other.

But when I try to run a simple exec job, I get the following error:

task_dir: Failed to mount shared directory for task: permission denied

Any ideas on what’s going on here and how I can avoid it?

I’ve tried various adjustments to volumes and permissions within the Nomad deployment configuration, but nothing has changed this error.

For reference, here is the Kubernetes configuration I use to deploy Nomad:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nomad-cluster-service
    name: nomad
  type: LoadBalancer
    - name: http
      port: 4646
      protocol: "TCP"
    - name: rpc
      port: 4647
      protocol: "TCP"
    app: nomad
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: nomad-cluster-configmap
    app: nomad
  server.hcl: |
    datacenter = "dc1"
    data_dir = "/opt/nomad/data"

    bind_addr = ""

    server {
        enabled = true
        bootstrap_expect = 3

    client {
        enabled = true
        options {
            "driver.raw_exec.enable" = "1"
            "docker.privileged.enabled" = "true"

    consul {
      address = "consul-server.default.svc:8500"
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nomad-cluster-deployment
    app: nomad
  replicas: 3
      app: nomad
        app: nomad
      - name: nomad-instance
        image: noenv/nomad
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - "agent"
        - "-config=/etc/nomad/nomad.d/server.hcl"
        - name: http
          containerPort: 4646
          protocol: "TCP"
        - name: rpc
          containerPort: 4647
          protocol: "TCP"
        - name: serf-tcp
          containerPort: 4648
          protocol: "TCP"
        - name: serf-udp
          containerPort: 4648
          protocol: "UDP"
        - name: nomad-config
          mountPath: /etc/nomad/nomad.d
        - name: nomad-data
          mountPath: /opt/nomad/data
        fsGroup: 1000
      - name: nomad-config
          name: nomad-cluster-configmap
      - name: nomad-data
        emptyDir: {}

And here is the configuration I use for the simple job I’m trying to test the setup with. I have another Kubernetes pod running an http-echo container on port 3030 which this job should attempt to access:

job "example-job" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "example-group" {
    count = 3

    task "curl-task" {
      driver = "exec"

      config {
        command = "curl"
        args = [
          "-o", "nomad-output.txt"

Should it be helpful, I can definitely provide more pieces of my setup — the Consul deployment, the http-echo deployment, etc.

Hi @nasanos, for obvious reasons there likely aren’t many k8s experts on this forum.

However I suspect the error your seeing is based on the fact that the exec driver requires root level permissions, as it uses the mount() system call create a shared directory for tasks within a group. You could try using the raw_exec driver, but again, Nomad was not at all intended to be run inside k8s.

Thanks for the response, @seth.hoenig! I definitely understand that; I’d seen a few people around the web trying out this kind of setup, but it’s clearly niche and not something I would expect most of the community to have much experience with.

That said, your insights helped lead me to a solution! Specifically, I attempted to address Nomd’s access needs by adding the securityContext block below to the Kubernetes configuration within the spec block holding the Nomad container and the Nomad data volume.

  runAsUser: 1001
  runAsGroup: 1001
  fsGroup: 1001

I think your comment anticipates this, but the Nomad clients seem no longer able to use the exec driver, just raw_exec. But using the raw_exec driver, the clients are able to mount the task_dir and run the curl command successfully now.

The one issue the job still has is that the task “fails” even when the raw_exec command succeeds. In other words: cURL runs, fetches the expected response, and saves that response to a file, but the task keeps getting a “failed” status and restarting.

But that’s obviously distinct from my initial issue, so, unless someone has an immediate insight, I figure I can work out for myself.

Again, thanks very much for the help!