[ANN] HCP Consul Plus Offering

Hello everyone,

The Consul team is happy to announce the release of the HCP Consul Plus offering [1]. This offering enables organizations to create multi-region deployments of Consul across different AWS regions.

The Plus offering is available to all users that have added a credit card to their HCP organization[2] and can be deployed directly via the UI or using the HCP Terraform provider [3].

The key feature in this release is:

Federation: HCP Consul servers are now capable of WAN federation[4]. Users can seamlessly connect multiple HCP Consul servers using Terraform or the HCP UI. We offer federation between clusters in a single region (Standard offering) and multi-region (Plus offering). Development clusters can also use federation, but should not be used in production.

Updated Deployment Flow: Users can now see all available offerings of HCP Consul clusters including Development, Standard, and Plus. Previously users could only see production-ready offerings when a payment method was added.

Enhanced UI: We’ve added the ability to create a HashiCorp Virtual Network (HVN) with the deployment of a HCP Consul cluster. Previously users had to create the HVN through a separate workflow before creating a cluster.

If you’re interested in learning how to get started using federation on HCP Consul, we recommend using this Learn guide[5]. HCP Consul plus clusters are available now to all users who have added a payment method to their account.

We hope you enjoy HCP Consul and appreciate any feedback.

Best regards,

The HCP Consul team

[1] - Announcing HCP Consul Plus
[2] - https://cloud.hashicorp.com/
[3] - https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/hcp/latest
[4] - WAN Federation via Mesh Gateways | Consul by HashiCorp
[5] - Federate Multiple HCP Consul clusters | Consul - HashiCorp Learn