Attempting to create multiple resources using for_each and maps

I’m configuring a couple of maps using the for_each argument and when I declare a resource that only uses the one map it works great. I can add or subtract from the map and it adjusts my resources. However when I have to declare a resource that needs a key value from multiple maps I’m having problems. I’ve been trying to add locals and set product with no luck.

variable “svc-bridge-domains” {
type = map
default = {
A = “svc-bd-vl-3344”
B = “svc-bd-vl-3345”
C = “svc-bd-vl-3346”
D = “svc-bd-vl-3347”
E = “svc-bd-vl-3348”
F = “svc-bd-vl-3349”

variable “svc-bd-subnets” {
type = map
default = {
svc-bd-vl-3344 = “”
svc-bd-vl-3345 = “”
svc-bd-vl-3346 = “”
svc-bd-vl-3347 = “”
svc-bd-vl-3348 = “”
svc-bd-vl-3349 = “”

This resource works
resource “aci_bridge_domain” “service-bridge-domain” {
for_each = var.svc-bridge-domains
tenant_dn = var.tenant

relation_fv_rs_ctx = var.ryno-vrf

name = each.value
description = “This bridge domain is created by Terraform”
optimize_wan_bandwidth = “no”
arp_flood = “yes”
mcast_allow = “no”
multi_dst_pkt_act = “bd-flood”
bridge_domain_type = “regular”
unicast_route = “yes”
unk_mac_ucast_act = “proxy”
unk_mcast_act = “flood”
limit_ip_learn_to_subnets = “yes”
host_based_routing = “yes”

this resource is the one I’m struggling with. I’m trying to assign the bridge_domain_dn value from the svc-bridge-domains variable map above and the ip address from the sac-bd-subnets variable.

resource “aci_subnet” “bridge-domain-subnet” {
for_each = local.svc-bridge-domain_subnets
bridge_domain_dn = each.value.svc-bridge-domain
name_alias = “service-vlan-subnet”
description = “This Subnet is created by terraform”
ip = each.value.subnet
scope = “public”

Thank you so much in advance for any help you can provide!