Hi everyone,
I have a problem when following this tutorial OSS Vault Credential Brokering Quickstart | Boundary | HashiCorp Developer when create vault credential store after i input the token that have been created before i got this problem
before this i got problem when testing connection to database
In the tutorial when setting up vault it use vault dev i’m using vault with my own config for it. When the tutorial ask to create new token i generate it. After it ask to authenticate its still normal when i need to connect i got this first problem
i try to refer this problem with the answer that give to me in other discussion form. I want to try -token env://BOUNDARY_TOKEN but i dont know what is the token. when i try do the -keyring-type=none i got that problem
The one from Boundary CLI, that’s because you didn’t set the BOUNDARY_TOKEN environment variable. You can do that with the following command (assuming you’re using bash on linux and you have jq installed):
Depending on your auth method, your boundary authenticate command may need more parameters, such as -login-name, -password, -auth-method-id or -scope-id and/or a subcommand such as password or oidc.
I use oidc as the primary auth method so I don’t need to provide any extra parameters.
In regards to the previous error, do you still experience them, or they are now resolved?
In regards to the connection to the Ubuntu machine, we do not have a specific guide for this, but the following guide which is meant for HCP Boundary demonstrates the SSH configuration steps which should be valid as well for OSS Boundary that I assume you are using.
For my previous problem i solve it with re-inserting the vault ip address and all the step work. Right now i want to use the dynamic credential for accessing ubuntu machine is it possible or not ?
Sorry for the tag @macmiranda@martinhristov90 but is there any update on my problem cause i search for it only 3 web that show it but have different error code
In the tutorial referenced earlier, there’s a step, Broker credentials via Vault where you authorise the session via CLI. You then decode the base64 credentials in the next step to validate them.
If you follow these to try and display the plaintext password via CLI, what errors are you running into?
In regards to the connection to the Ubuntu machine, we do not have a specific guide for this, but the following guide which is meant for HCP Boundary demonstrates the SSH configuration steps which should be valid as well for OSS Boundary that I assume you are using.