Authentication failed: ldap operation failed: failed to bind as user

Hello there,

My vault version is: Vault v1.12.3 (209b3dd99fe8ca320340d08c70cff5f620261f9b), built 2023-02-02T09:07:27Z

LDAP authentication + MFA have been enabled, the backend authentication is AD, and all my users can login the Vault successfully, except one. Only difference I can see: the length of the user is 3, all others are at least 4 characters.

After the user type in user name and password, and click Sign In button, there is an Error says: Authentication failed: ldap operation failed: failed to bind as user

The user switched to different browser, and results are same.
In the same browser, another user can login correctly.

As I checked the log, there is a hashed error which I don’t understand.

"error": "hmac-sha256:f251756899721573982a2c7f1d83cc9fc581850c630df846350cc31da2d8e91c"

Please shed some lights on the problem. Any help or idea will be appreciatted.
