Authorize views in bigquery using terraform script - Facing error

Hi Everyone!

I’m trying to authorize my bigquery views against their base tables using a terraform script. But I’m unable to do as it is throwing me error as mentioned below. Can someone able to help me, please?

Error -

Error: Unsupported argument

on line 120, in module “data_authorized_views”

120:   authorized_datasets = [

An argument named “authorized_datasets” is not expected here.

Error: Unsupported argument

On line 120, in module “data_authorized_views”

120:   authorized_views = [

An argument named “authorized_views” is not expected here.   

Below is the code snippet.

module “data_authorized_views” {
	source = “terraform-google-modules/bigquery/google//modules/authorization”
	version = “~>0.12”

	dataset_id = module.bq_data_set.bigquery_dataset.dataset_id
	project_id = module.bq_data_set.bigquery_dataset.project

	authorized_datasets = [
			project_id = module.bq_data_set.bigquery_dataset.project
			dataset_id = “data_tables”

	authorized_views = [
			project_id = module.bq_data_set.bigquery_dataset.project
			dataset_id = “data_views”

I have taken the following link as reference to create terraform script.

Thank you!

You have specified an exceedingly old version of the module. The current version is 5.4.2.

Thanks for the response @maxb - I’ve updated it to the latest version ~5.4.2, still it is throwing the same error.

~5.4.2 is not a valid Terraform version expression. I suppose you mean ~> 5.4.2.

That module version supports the parameter names in your earlier post.

I even copied your config snippet into a local file, fixed the incorrect smart quotes and missing closing brace, replaced the references to other data with empty values, and confirmed that terraform validate passes.

That’s all I can say based on the information you’ve provided.

Thank you @maxb

I’m trying with the below code -

module "edw_authorized_views" {
   source  = "terraform-google-modules/bigquery/google//modules/authorization"
   version = "~> 5.4.2"

   dataset_id = module.edw_bq_data_set_view_test.bigquery_dataset.dataset_id
   project_id = module.edw_bq_data_set_view_test.bigquery_dataset.project

   authorized_views = [
      project_id = data.google_project.edw-prcd-bq.project_id
      dataset_id = "edw_publish_view_test"
      table_id = ""


  authorized_datasets = [
     project_id = data.google_project.edw-stage-bq.project_id
     dataset_id = "edw_view_test"

When executing the above terraform (terraform plan), getting the following error

bash-5.1$ terraform plan
│ Error: Invalid value for module argument
│   on line 1153, in module "edw_authorized_views":
│ 1153:    authorized_views = [
│ 1154:    {
│ 1155:       project_id = data.google_project.edw-prcd-bq.project_id
│ 1156:       dataset_id = "edw_publish_view_test"
│ 1157:       table_id = []
│ 1158:     }
│ 1159:   ]
│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable "authorized_views" defined at .terraform/modules/edw_authorized_views/modules/authorization/,1-28: element 0: attribute "table_id": string
│ required.
│ Error: Unsupported block type
│   on .terraform/modules/edw_authorized_views/modules/authorization/ line 68, in resource "google_bigquery_dataset_access" "authorized_dataset":
│   68:   dataset {
│ Blocks of type "dataset" are not expected here.

This is what it is there in 68th line of - .terraform/modules/edw_authorized_views/modules/authorization/

resource "google_bigquery_dataset_access" "authorized_dataset" {
  for_each   = local.datasets
  dataset_id = var.dataset_id
  project    = var.project_id
  dataset {
    dataset {
      project_id = each.value.project_id
      dataset_id = each.value.dataset_id
    target_types = ["VIEWS"]

Can you please help me to identify where I’m doing wrong? Thanks!