Autoscaler troubleshooting

I’m trying to setup on-demand batch cluster autoscaling.

These are the log messages that I’m encountering on startup:

2021-12-06T23:02:25.975Z [DEBUG] dequeue eval: queue=horizontal
2021-12-06T23:02:25.975Z [DEBUG] waiting for eval: queue=horizontal
2021-12-06T23:02:25.977Z [INFO]  file_policy_source: starting file policy monitor: file=/local/policies/policy.hcl name=cluster_policy policy_id=3429601c-3e58-97ca-f1b9-8235f770fe52
2021-12-06T23:02:35.978Z [WARN]  policy_manager.policy_handler: failed to get target status: policy_id=3429601c-3e58-97ca-f1b9-8235f770fe52 error="failed to run Nomad node readiness check: node pool identification method required"
2021-12-06T23:02:55.981Z [ERROR] policy_manager: failed to call the Nomad list policies API: Unexpected response code: 504 (upstream request timeout)
2021-12-06T23:03:05.978Z [WARN]  policy_manager.policy_handler: failed to get target status: policy_id=3429601c-3e58-97ca-f1b9-8235f770fe52 error="failed to run Nomad node readiness check: node pool identification method required"
2021-12-06T23:03:25.939Z [DEBUG] internal_plugin.nomad-target: triggering run of handler garbage collection
2021-12-06T23:03:35.967Z [ERROR] policy_manager: failed to call the Nomad list policies API: Unexpected response code: 408 (stream timeout)

What might these error mean?

We have ACL and Consul Service Mesh enabled in our cluster.

log_level = "DEBUG"

http {
  bind_address = ""

policy {
  dir = "{{ env "NOMAD_TASK_DIR" }}/policies"

nomad {
  address = "${var.nomad_address}"
  namespace = "batch"
  token = "redacted"

apm "prometheus" {
  driver = "prometheus"
  config = {
    address = "http://localhost:9090"

target "gce-mig" {
  driver = "gce-mig"
  config = {
    credentials = "secrets/sa.json"

strategy "pass-through" {
  driver = "pass-through"


scaling "cluster_policy" {
  enabled = true
  min     = 1
  max     = 3

  policy {
    cooldown            = "1m"
    evaluation_interval = "10s"

    check "batch_jobs_in_progess" {
      source = "prometheus"
      query  = "sum(nomad_nomad_job_summary_queued{exported_job=~\".*dispatch.*\"} + nomad_nomad_job_summary_running{exported_job=~\".*dispatch.*\"}) OR on() vector(0)"
      strategy "pass-through" {}

    target "gce-mig" {
      project                = "${var.project}"
      region                 = "${var.region}"
      mig_name               = "${var.mig_name}"
      node_drain_deadline    = "30m"
      node_selector_strategy = "empty_ignore_system"

nomad policy:

    namespace "batch" {
      policy = "scale"
    node {
      policy = "write"


Looks like this is referring to missing node_class or datacenter in the gce-mig policy config.