AWS Athena : Create table/view with sql DDL

I am trying to create Athena Views by executing SQL code.

resource "aws_athena_database" "metadb" {
  name   = "mydb" 
  bucket =
resource "null_resource" "views" {
  for_each = {
    for filename in fileset("${var.sql_files_dir}/", "**/*.sql") :
    replace(replace(filename, "/", "_"), ".sql", "") => "${var.sql_files_dir}/${filename}"
    provisioner     "local-exec" {
    command = <<-EOF
aws athena start-query-execution --query-string file://${each.value} --output json --query-execution-context Database=${} --result-configuration OutputLocation=s3://${}

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    when    = destroy
    command = <<EOF
aws athena start-query-execution --query-string 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ${each.key}' --output json --query-execution-context Database=${} --result-configuration OutputLocation=s3://${}

As a result, the creation section works well, and it does this by passing the SQL code in from a file.

However, in the destroy section, I have to pass in the ‘Drop’ SQL to be executed as a string - not from a file - as it is dynamic. This is where my problem lies. Whilst the CLI output shows the command being executed appearing valid

aws athena start-query-execution --query-string 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Query6' --output json --query-execution-context Database=mydb --result-configuration OutputLocation=s3://mybucket

I get the following:

Error: Error running command 'aws athena start-query-execution --query-string ‘DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Query6’ --output json --query-execution-context Database=mydb --result-configuration OutputLocation=s3://mybucket ': exit status 255. Output: usage: aws [options] [ …] [parameters] To see help text, you can run:

What confuses mem is that if I copy that command and paste it into CLI without the TF, then it executes perfectly. Any ideas as to why it will not execute when run by the provisioner ??

Did you find any solutions to this?

No, I now use a lambda function & python to read my files and execute calls to Athena.