AWS Cloudfront Distribution - Non S3 Bucket

I’m using aws_cloudfront_distribution and i want to use a custom origin, not a S3 bucket. I can’t find the way to turn off the use of S3. I keep getting this error message during the Apply process: * aws_cloudfront_distribution.cdn_distribution: error creating CloudFront Distribution: InvalidArgument: The parameter Origin DomainName does not refer to a valid S3 bucket

Here are my parameters:

origin.#: “0” => “1”
origin.4021250195.custom_header.#: “0” => “0”
origin.4021250195.custom_origin_config.#: “0” => “0”
origin.4021250195.domain_name: “” => “origin.clientname”
origin.4021250195.origin_id: “” => “custom-origin.clientname”
origin.4021250195.origin_path: “” => “”
origin.4021250195.s3_origin_config.#: “0” => “0”

Any suggestions? Thanks.