Aws_config_delivery_channel Region provided in sns arn: us-east-1, does not match the expected region: us-west-2

Trying to enable AWS Config in the 4 US regions. Got that working but am now trying to update the delivery channel to send to an SNS topic in a different account + in the us-east-2 region. Getting the error below. I get this error from all aws_config_delivery_channel resources that arent in us-east-1.
I did some searching but didnt find any topics about this yet on google and the aws_config_delivery_channel KB article on doesnt mention any Notes about cross-region topics, but I but am starting to think that AWS Config can’t handle sending to topics in another region? Does anyone know how to work around this error?

Error: Creating Delivery Channel failed: InvalidSNSTopicARNException: The sns topic arn ‘arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:##########:MultiAccount_Config_Topic’ is not valid.Region provided in sns arn: us-east-1, does not match the expected region: us-west-2.

EDIT: I tried manually editing the delivery channel via AWS console and that threw an error saying “The specified SNS topic ARN is invalid.” so that reinforces my belief that AWS config delivery channel cant handle sending to SNS topics in regions different than the source AWS config resource.