Aws ebs snapshot filters contain string and start-time

I can see in Data Source: aws_ebs_snapshot
that it is possible to filter ebs snapshot using keys based on reference link describe-snapshots.

In the reference page I see description and start-time.

  1. How can I select snapshot based on a “contained string” inside description field ?

  2. How can I select snapshot based on a upper/lower/range of times using start-time field e.g. as sample in referenze (<=‘2020-03-31’ or >=‘2020-03-31T04:00:00’ or in a time range) ?

For (1.) I need to use each.key o each.value inside for_each, I tried below without success:

  filter {
    name   = "Desciption"
    values = ["*${each.key}*"]

For (2). I tried somethig like this:

  filter {
    name   = "start-time"
    values = ["<= 2021-07-25T04:00:00.000Z"]

I cannot figure out how to use filters with partial or time range selectors.

I managed to make substring to work:

filter {
    name   = "desciption"
    values = ["*${each.key}*"]

no luck for time selector

I found a working start-time filter. It seems terraform data source --filter does not support ranges as aws ... --query does.

most_recent seems like --query 'reverse(sort_by(..., ...))[0]. ...') but filters can only filter using simple strings. If it can help, below a sample data source with conditional start-time filter:

  ### start-time is in UTC format (e.g. 2021-08-01T18:16:14.799000+00:00)
  ### you can check using aws cli ec2 describe-snapshots --profile ... --region ... --owner-ids self --filters 'Name="start-time",Values="2021-07-28T18:*"'

variable "dr_ami_cfg" {
  type    = any
  default = {}

dr_ami_cfg = {
  "bastion1"  =   {
    "snap_start_time" = "2021-08-01T18:*"
  "bastion2"  =   {

data "aws_ebs_snapshot" "dr_snap_rbd" {

  for_each = {
    for key, val in var.dr_ami_cfg:
    key => val

  most_recent = true
  owners      = ["self"]

  filter {
    name   = "status"
    values = ["completed"]

  filter {
    name   = "tag:Name"
    values = ["rbd_${each.key}*"]

  filter {
    name   = "start-time"
    values = [try(each.value.snap_start_time, "") != "" ? each.value.snap_start_time : "*"]