Every time we run a plan within our project, the distributions keep being deleted and re-added however no changes to the distributions are being made.
Terraform v1.3.9
hashicorp/aws v4.57.1
aws_imagebuilder_distribution_configuration.dstcfg_us-east-1_test will be updated in-place
~ resource “aws_imagebuilder_distribution_configuration” “dstcfg_us-east-1_test” {
id = “arn:aws:imagebuilder:us-east-1:123456789123:distribution-configuration/dstcfg-us-east-1-test”
name = “dstcfg_us-east-1_test”
tags = {}
# (4 unchanged attributes hidden)
+ distribution {
+ license_configuration_arns =
+ region = “us-east-1”
+ ami_distribution_configuration {
+ ami_tags = {
+ “Application” = “custom_app”
+ “Name” = “test-ami”
+ “Role” = “API”
+ kms_key_id = “arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789123:key/mrk-ac2ebc6dcb914dd38e61e8ff3c35c8fb”
+ name = “test-ami_{{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}”
+ target_account_ids =
+ launch_template_configuration {
+ default = true
+ launch_template_id = “lt-01234567891234567”
- distribution {
- license_configuration_arns = → null
- region = “us-east-1” → null
- ami_distribution_configuration {
- ami_tags = {
- “Application” = “custom_app”
- “Name” = “test-ami”
- “Role” = “API”
} → null
- kms_key_id = “arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789123:key/mrk-ac2ebc6dcb914dd38e61e8ff3c35c8fb” → null
- name = “test-ami_{{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}” → null
- target_account_ids = → null
- launch_template_configuration {
- account_id = “123456789123” → null
- default = true → null
- launch_template_id = “lt-01234567891234567” → null
- distribution {
- license_configuration_arns = → null
- region = “us-west-1” → null
- ami_distribution_configuration {
- ami_tags = {
- “Application” = “custom_app”
- “Name” = “test-ami”
- “Role” = “API”
} → null
- kms_key_id = “arn:aws:kms:us-west-1:123456789123:key/mrk-ac2ebc6dcb914dd38e61e8ff3c35c8fb” → null
- name = “test-ami_{{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}” → null
- target_account_ids = → null
- distribution {
- license_configuration_arns = → null
- region = “us-west-2” → null
- ami_distribution_configuration {
- ami_tags = {
- “Application” = “custom_app”
- “Name” = “test-ami”
- “Role” = “API”
} → null
- kms_key_id = “arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789123:key/mrk-ac2ebc6dcb914dd38e61e8ff3c35c8fb” → null
- name = “test-ami_{{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}” → null
- target_account_ids = → null
+ distribution {
+ license_configuration_arns =
+ region = “us-west-1”
+ ami_distribution_configuration {
+ ami_tags = {
+ “Application” = “custom_app”
+ “Name” = “test-ami”
+ “Role” = “API”
+ kms_key_id = “arn:aws:kms:us-west-1:123456789123:key/mrk-ac2ebc6dcb914dd38e61e8ff3c35c8fb”
+ name = “test-ami_{{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}”
+ target_account_ids =
+ distribution {
+ license_configuration_arns =
+ region = “us-west-2”
+ ami_distribution_configuration {
+ ami_tags = {
+ “Application” = “custom_app”
+ “Name” = “test-ami”
+ “Role” = “API”
+ kms_key_id = “arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789123:key/mrk-ac2ebc6dcb914dd38e61e8ff3c35c8fb”
+ name = “test-ami_{{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}”
+ target_account_ids =