Aws_rds_cluster error using s3 import


I have been trying for a while to create a RDS (aurora mysql) using the s3 import method.
After 25 minutes of being creating the rds cluster I get the following error:

aws_rds_cluster.primary: Still creating... [25m10s elapsed]
aws_rds_cluster.primary: Still creating... [25m10s elapsed]
aws_rds_cluster.primary: Still creating... [25m20s elapsed]
aws_rds_cluster.primary: Still creating... [25m30s elapsed]
│ Error: Error waiting for RDS Cluster state to be "available": unexpected state 'migration-failed', wanted target 'available'. last error: %!s(<nil>)
│   with aws_rds_cluster.primary,
│   on line 21, in resource "aws_rds_cluster" "primary":
│   21: resource "aws_rds_cluster" "primary" {
Releasing state lock. This may take a few moments...
Error: Terraform exited with code 1.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

I’m using the following:

Run hashicorp/setup-terraform@v1.2.1
Latest version is 1.1.7

Provider version: 4.3.0

I see on this issue:

they suggest “to remove the bucket region argument” but i’m not specifying a bucket region anywhere.

Any ideas what could be happening here?
