I’m using the route53 module to create hosted zones for a domain and a subdomain. I wish to manage the domain and the subdomain in separate hosted zones because they will be in separate AWS accounts, though they’re in the same Terraform config for now.
After I create the hosted zones with
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-2"
module "zones" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/route53/aws//modules/zones"
zones = {
"dom.ain" = {}
"sub.dom.ain" = {}
I can create resource records like
module "text_top" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/route53/aws//modules/records"
zone_id = module.zones.route53_zone_zone_id["dom.ain"]
records = [{
name = ""
type = "TXT"
ttl = 60
records = ["this is the top domain dom.ain"]
module "text_sub" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/route53/aws//modules/records"
zone_id = module.zones.route53_zone_zone_id["sub.dom.ain"]
records = [{
name = ""
type = "TXT"
ttl = 60
records = ["this is the subdomain sub.dom.ain"]
which yield the expected results:
$ dig +short -t txt dom.ain. @ns-1749.awsdns-26.co.uk.
"this is the top domain dom.ain"
$ dig +short -t txt sub.dom.ain. @ns-1295.awsdns-33.org.
"this is the subdomain sub.dom.ain"
I create glue NS records for the subdomain:
module "glue_NS" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/route53/aws//modules/records"
zone_id = module.zones.route53_zone_zone_id["dom.ain"]
records = [{
name = "sub"
type = "NS"
ttl = 172800
records = module.zones.route53_zone_name_servers["sub.dom.ain"]
The glue NS records are created:
$ aws route53 list-resource-record-sets \
--hosted-zone-id Z036547736CNNGE0WKQ95 \
--query 'ResourceRecordSets[?(Type==`NS` && Name==`sub.dom.ain.`)].[Name,Type,ResourceRecords[].Value]' \
--output text
sub.dom.ain. NS
ns-981.awsdns-58.net ns-217.awsdns-27.com ns-1295.awsdns-33.org ns-1940.awsdns-50.co.uk
But the glue NS records aren’t returned for a normal query:
$ dig +short -t ns sub.dom.ain. @ns-1749.awsdns-26.co.uk.
$ dig +short -t txt sub.dom.ain. @ns-1749.awsdns-26.co.uk.
How can I delegate a subdomain to a different HZ?
Thanks for any suggestions!