Goal: I am using Terraform to configure a Cloud9 environment. I want to have two different folders available to the user when they open the environment, A and B, as well as all the contents within the folders
Problem: As there does not seem to be a way to add files directly to Cloud9 (using Terraform, that is), my plan was to upload the needed files to an S3 bucket and simply have the user download the contents of the bucket onto the environment, which is easily done with a command.
My problem is that uploading a whole folder to the bucket is much less simple. I have tried looping around the folder contents, but only the top level files are copied and not the folders within. Is there a way to achieve this? The contents of the folder are too big to create each directory within and upload the files that way.
Does anyone know of a way I can upload the folders A and B without a lot of scripting overhead?