Aws Workspaces - How to Create Users in a directory?

Hey everyone!

Looking into AWS Workspaces, and I’m missing one vital component.

I have read through the documentation for creating a workspace, and creating a directory. The problem is when creating a workspace, the workspace user_name must exist in the directory.

Is there either:

A: A way to create users when creating a directory

B: Create users in an existing directory?

Workspace Page:

Directory Page:


hi mark even i have the same doubt please let me know if you get get an answer for this query

Facing the same issue. Any updates or suggestions?
Thank you.

Mark! Vinay! Sandy!

Where have yall gone? Did any of your ever figure this out?

I am right where each of you have stood before… To find one’s own problem exactly on the internet, and to never see a conclusion…