Azure AKS internal load balancer


I deployed an Azure AKS cluster via the following terraform statements into an existing vnet. It worked, the AKS cluster is created with an Azure load balancer and an public IP address assigned to it. I need a setup with an internal Azure load balancer only. How do I have to change the terraform code to only get an internal Azure load balancer? Thanks

resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "aks" {

name = "${var.tags.department}-${var.tags.stage}-${var.tags.environment}_aks"

location = var.location

resource_group_name =

dns_prefix = lower("${var.tags.department}-${var.tags.stage}-${var.tags.environment}-aks")

private_link_enabled = true

node_resource_group = "${var.tags.department}-${var.tags.stage}-${var.tags.environment}_aks_nodes_rg"

linux_profile {

    admin_username = "testadmin"

    ssh_key {

        key_data = file("/ssh/") #ssh-keygen



default_node_pool {

    name = "default"

    vm_size = "Standard_DS1_v2"

    enable_auto_scaling = false

    enable_node_public_ip = false

    node_count = 1

    vnet_subnet_id =


network_profile {

    network_plugin = "azure"

    service_cidr = ""

    dns_service_ip = ""

    docker_bridge_cidr = ""

    load_balancer_sku = "standard"


service_principal {

    client_id = azurerm_azuread_service_principal.aks_sp.application_id

    client_secret = azurerm_azuread_service_principal_password.aks_sp_pwd.value


addon_profile {

    kube_dashboard {

        enabled = true



role_based_access_control {

    enabled = false



Did you ever find a way to do this? I’m looking for same.