Just starting out with Terraform, been using ARM templates for years and have a couple of questions.
I have all my terraform runbooks in DevOps, so I can version/track changes. If I pull down the latest branch, make a change to the plan and execute, the operation generates the .tfstate file. This file contains sensitive information that I wouldn’t want to store in source control, but I want to be able to maintain the state of a previous run. How do people manage this and how do people manage run history when executing terraform from Azure DevOps?
And in my Jenkinsfile one of the build steps includes the following:
sh ‘’’ echo '[INFO] Logging into Azure with SPN' az login --service-principal -u ${TF_VAR_client_id} -p ${TF_VAR_client_secret} -t ${TF_VAR_tenant_id} terraform init -upgrade -input=false \ -backend-config="storage_account_name=${TF_VAR_storage_account_name}" \ -backend-config="container_name=${TF_VAR_container_name}" \ -backend-config="key=${TF_VAR_key}" \ -backend-config="access_key=${TF_VAR_access_key}"
The “-backend-config=” directives complete the terraform block “partial configuration”. The login using a service principal essentially gives my build container access to Azure storage for remote-state purposes. Personally, I like to store state using regions/environment/component so that if someone messes up, say. with resources in west-us-2/dev/vm they won’t take down all the other dev resources like vpc…
There are many opinions on how to organize your code and remote-state. A couple of helpful places to begin might be: