Azure Function app change that is not a change


Have a lot of Azure Function apps that is created with Terraform scripts and for each of these functions terraform detects that it is a change when executing terraform plan. Out of the logs I can not see any change (see below)

  # module.function-mds[0].azurerm_windows_function_app.function_app will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "azurerm_windows_function_app" "function_app" {
        id                                             = "/subscriptions/***********************/resourceGroups/rg-adp-westeurope-dev/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/func-mds-dev"
        name                                           = "func-mds-dev"
        tags                                           = {}
        # (28 unchanged attributes hidden)

        # (3 unchanged blocks hidden)

This is a little bit annoying. Anybody knows why this is detected as a change?

Kind regards


This behavior usually occurs due to Terraform detecting differences between your configuration and the state of the resource in Azure, even if these differences are not immediately visible in the output. Common reasons include default values being set by Azure that aren’t explicitly defined in your Terraform configuration, or changes made outside of Terraform that haven’t been imported into the state file. To resolve this, ensure all relevant properties are explicitly defined in your Terraform configuration and consider using terraform refresh to update your state file to match the actual resources in Azure. If the issue persists, examining the detailed plan output or enabling debug logs may help identify the specific property causing the perceived change.

That get me a little bit further, but have been stopped by one property

 # module.function-mds[0].azurerm_windows_function_app.function_app will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "azurerm_windows_function_app" "function_app" {
        id                                             = "/subscriptions/*********/resourceGroups/rg-adp-westeurope-dev/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/func-mds-dev"
        name                                           = "func-mds-dev"
        tags                                           = {}
        # (28 unchanged attributes hidden)

      ~ auth_settings_v2 {
            # (8 unchanged attributes hidden)

          ~ active_directory_v2 {
              ~ client_id                       = (sensitive value)
                # (10 unchanged attributes hidden)

            # (1 unchanged block hidden)

When enabling debug logs I can see that the returned value from Azure on client_id is correct, but still Terraform wants to update the property. Also tested with terraform refresh